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retract does the opposite of what stretch does


retract(.data, x, y, val)



A data.frame or tibble containing at least three variables: x, y and the value


The name of the column to use from .data as x


The name of the column to use from .data as y


The name of the column to use from .data to use as the value


x <- correlate(mtcars)
#> Correlation computed with
#>  Method: 'pearson'
#>  Missing treated using: 'pairwise.complete.obs'
xs <- stretch(x)
#> # A tibble: 11 × 12
#>    term     mpg    cyl   disp     hp    drat     wt    qsec     vs      am
#>    <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 mpg    0     -0.852 -0.848 -0.776  0.681  -0.868  0.419   0.664  0.600 
#>  2 cyl   -0.852  0      0.902  0.832 -0.700   0.782 -0.591  -0.811 -0.523 
#>  3 disp  -0.848  0.902  0      0.791 -0.710   0.888 -0.434  -0.710 -0.591 
#>  4 hp    -0.776  0.832  0.791  0     -0.449   0.659 -0.708  -0.723 -0.243 
#>  5 drat   0.681 -0.700 -0.710 -0.449  0      -0.712  0.0912  0.440  0.713 
#>  6 wt    -0.868  0.782  0.888  0.659 -0.712   0     -0.175  -0.555 -0.692 
#>  7 qsec   0.419 -0.591 -0.434 -0.708  0.0912 -0.175  0       0.745 -0.230 
#>  8 vs     0.664 -0.811 -0.710 -0.723  0.440  -0.555  0.745   0      0.168 
#>  9 am     0.600 -0.523 -0.591 -0.243  0.713  -0.692 -0.230   0.168  0     
#> 10 gear   0.480 -0.493 -0.556 -0.126  0.700  -0.583 -0.213   0.206  0.794 
#> 11 carb  -0.551  0.527  0.395  0.750 -0.0908  0.428 -0.656  -0.570  0.0575
#> # … with 2 more variables: gear <dbl>, carb <dbl>
#> # ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names